Should you wish to contact the School please use the contact details below. For initial public or parent queries please contact Natalie Bradshaw (Office Manager)
For all media enquiries please contact the Frank Field Education Trust (0151 318 9700)
School Address: Handforth Grange Primary School
Ullswater Road, Handforth,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 3NG
Telephone: 01625 526566
Email: admin@handforthgrange.com
- Head Teacher: Andrea Booth
- Chair of Governors: Rev Steve Burmester
- SENDCO: Leigh Green
- Designated Teacher for Looked After Children: Dr Caroline Vince
- To contact the Chair of Governors (Rev Steve Burmester), please email admin@handforthgrange.com or write to Chair of Governors, c/o Handforth Grange Primary School, Ullswater Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 3NG.
For emergencies call through to reception on 01625 526566.
Handforth Grange Primary School also features on all of the major social networking sites. We encourage parents to follow us on these services in order to keep them up to date on all of the latest developments. Information on these can be found below: