Religious Studies

Cycle A

Cycle B

Autumn KS1

Beliefs about God | Creation | Authorities of Stories

Beliefs about God | Creation | Authorities of Stories

The children will learn about Christianity developing an understanding of the ten commandments and teachings from the Bible. Click below…

Autumn KS1

Beliefs about God | Authorities of Stories | Scared Texts

Beliefs about God | Authorities of Stories | Scared Texts

The children will learn about Christianity – developing an understanding of key religious celebrations such as Easter, Christmas, Christingle and…

Spring KS1

Right & Wrong | Life and Death

Right & Wrong | Life and Death

The children will learn about the different denominations and discuss similarities and differences. The children will learn about the Easter…

Spring KS1

Puzzling Right & Wrong | Welcoming Babies

Puzzling Right & Wrong | Welcoming Babies

During the first Spring half term, the children will recall and recap their knowledge of Judaism, looking at the roles…

Summer KS1

Different traditions of worship | Celebration and Special Places

Different traditions of worship | Celebration and Special Places

This term the children will learn about Judaism, the Torah and its importance. They will explore the synagogue; what is…

Summer KS1

Big Questions and Special Leaders

Big Questions and Special Leaders

This term the children will learn about Christian and Jewish parables discussing their morals and teachings. Click below to view…

Autumn LKS2

Philosophy – What make you, you?

Philosophy – What make you, you?

During the Autumn Term, the children will study the Bible and discuss its importance. The children will learn about the…

Autumn LKS2

Beliefs about God | Self-identity | Authorities of Stories

Beliefs about God | Self-identity | Authorities of Stories

This term, the children will learn about Islam. They will develop an understanding of rituals, artefacts, symbols and teachings. They…

Spring LKS2

How Beliefs shape lives? | Love and Salvation

How Beliefs shape lives? | Love and Salvation

This term, the children will learn about forgiveness and generosity through a variety of Bible stories. They will learn about…

Spring LKS2

Worship Identity | Life and Death

Worship Identity | Life and Death

This term, the children will learn about salvation and forgiveness. They will discuss different Christian communities and how other religions…

Summer LKS2

Peace, Charity and Justice | Religious Group and Society

Peace, Charity and Justice | Religious Group and Society

In Summer 1, the children will begin to compare and contrast different religions discussing celebrations such as weddings, death and…

Summer LKS2

What it means to be religious? | Belonging

What it means to be religious? | Belonging

This term, the children will learn about Passover, Jewish celebrations and daily life. They will study the Torah and discuss…

Autumn UKS2

Light & Darkness | Authorities of Scared Texts

Light & Darkness | Authorities of Scared Texts

This term, the children will begin to discuss the Holy Trinity and the roles of the Father, Son and the…

Autumn UKS2

Beliefs of God | Self Philosophy

Beliefs of God | Self Philosophy

This term, the children will learn about the Islamic faith and discuss the community and teachings from the prophet Muhammed.…

Spring UKS2

Creation | Pilgrimage

Creation | Pilgrimage

The children will learn about Hinduism developing an understanding of rituals, artefacts, symbols and teachings. They will also learn about…

Spring UKS2

Prayer Analysis | My Own Personal Beliefs

Prayer Analysis | My Own Personal Beliefs

The children will learn about salvation and beatitudes. They will also begin to compare and contrast beliefs from different religions,…

Summer UKS2

Universe Creation | Community

Universe Creation | Community

This term, the children will learn about Buddhism and develop an understanding of rituals, artefacts, symbols and teachings. Click below…

Summer UKS2

Peace & Conflict | Community and Diversity

Peace & Conflict | Community and Diversity

The children will learn about the Christian community and discuss Christian concessions and how they help the wider community. The…


Every child – regardless of gender, ability or background – will have the opportunity to learn throughout a diocese-linked curriculum that provides opportunities for the children to reflect, discuss and explore more about the world in which they live in. The curriculum provides children with the knowledge of different religious traditions, celebrations, stories and values.

Please click here for further information to find out about the intent, implementation and impact.