Information for Parents & Carers:
COVID: (April 2022) Managing Respiratory Infections including COVID-19
COVID (January 2022) School Outbreak Management Plan
COVID: (Jan 2021) Messages from Parents
COVID: Annex to the Safeguarding Policy
COVID: Annex to the Behaviour Policy
Contingency Plan for if a Teacher or Pupil tests positive
Handforth Grange’s response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Remote Learning
Thankfully, we are very well prepared for the possibility of school closure and resources and training have already been provided to enable your child to access teaching from their class teacher.
The day will follow the normal format and a register will be taken in the morning and afternoon. If your child is unwell and cannot attend online learning, please inform the school office in the normal manner.
A link to a Teams meeting will be sent by each class teacher via Class Dojo by 8 am in the morning.
Please ensure that your child is logged on to Teams – via the link
In-School provision
As per government guidance, the school will remain open for children in Nursery; children of Key Workers; Vulnerable / EHCP children and children in the Resource Provision. Each bubble will have a teacher and any child with an EHCP will be supported by a Teaching Assistant.
- Nursery children – all children in Nursery whether part of full time.
- Key Worker children – any child that attended school in a key worker bubble during the previous lockdown before the 8th June. If your circumstances haven’t changed, your child can attend school from tomorrow.
- Vulnerable / EHCP children – any child who has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or by invitation.
- Resource Provision children – any child normally educated in the Resource Provision bubble.
- Nursery children – should arrive and be collected at their normal time from the Nursery gate dressed in the normal way. P lease wear masks and observe social distancing. We appreciate that parents with older children may need time to return home to log-on and staff will keep the register open for them.
- Key worker & Vulnerable / EHCP children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – should arrive at the Reception gate in school uniform at 8.20 am and be collected at 3.00 pm – please wear masks and observe social distancing.
- Key worker & Vulnerable / EHCP children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – should arrive at the main gate in school uniform at 8.30 am and be collected at 3.10 pm– please wear masks and observe social distancing.
- Resource Provision – Children in the Resource Provision bubble should arrive at Meriton Rd Park Gate in school uniform at 8.30 am and be collected at 3.10 pm – please wear masks and observe social distancing.
Risk assessment
If you are eligible and your child attends school, they will form a new bubble mixing with a new cohort of children. The existing risk assessment remains unchanged and social distancing will not be possible within bubbles, as now.
Before & After-School Childcare provision
Before and After-School Childcare Provision will remain open for Key Worker and Vulnerable / EHCP children, with the same risk assessment in place as now. This will be available from 7:30am tomorrow, and also after school until 5:30pm tomorrow evening. Drop off at the Main gate as usual – please wear masks and observe social distancing.
If – according to the definitions above – you are eligible and intend to send your child(ren) in to school tomorrow, please confirm by 8 am in the morning.
Teachers will continue to be available via class Dojo and the school phone lines and emails will remain open. Please contact us if you have any queries or concerns, including regarding Free School Meals or access to technology.
Can I pass on the enormous thanks of the staff, for your continued support – which is very, very much appreciated; for your forbearance as we start teaching remotely and for your understanding for the timing of this communication and as we move forward. Also thanks to the Governors and the Frank Field Education Trust, for supporting us to put in place the significant investment in technology, training and time that has allowed us to prepare to teach remotely.
Finally, I would like to pass on my enormous thanks to the staff – who have been amazing throughout – and in particular for their enthusiasm and support this evening to ensure that your children continue to enjoy the fantastic provision at Handforth Grange.