Governance Documents:

The Governors meet as a full body each school term. Committees who are responsible for a specific aspect of the school’s work also meet each term (or more frequently when required).
The key committees are:
The Education Committee comprises Rachael McAvoy (Chair of Education Committee), Jess Dolby, Sarah Milward, Alun Williams. Headteacher attends.
The Teaching and Learning Committee oversee the policies for teaching and learning in order to deliver the highest standard and quality of learning.
The Operations Committee comprises Ben Holt (Chair of Operations Committee), Steve Burmester, Ruth De Asha. Headteacher attends.
The Operations Committee, who plan the budget, monitor the spending, are responsible for the financial arrangements within the school, ensure that the building and outdoor provision match the needs of the school in delivering a high quality environment for teaching and learning. The Operations Committee also oversee Health and Safety arrangements.
The Personnel & Staffing Committee comprises Steve Burmester (Chair of Personnel Committee) and Sarah Milward. Headteacher attends.
The Personnel & Staffing Committee are the group of governors responsible for ensuring the school is using its resources for staffing as efficiently as possible, making all appointments and key decisions relevant to Performance Appraisal, Pay Levels and Conditions of Service.
Full Governing Body meetings take place termly. Being a member of the Governors is a rewarding task, undertaken on behalf of the children. Parents and members of the community who are interested in serving as a Governor are very welcome to enquire whether there are currently any vacancies. The headteacher attends meetings at the request of the governing body.
The Governors also contribute to the life of the school, including supporting in classes, attending school events and functions, and even offering their expertise to curriculum activities.