Handforth Grange Primary School’s uniform has been selected to ensure all pupils feel part of the school community. Items of clothing have been chosen carefully to ensure they are not unduly expensive but smart. Personal presentation is important not only for pupils future life in the world of work, but also for the sense of pride and community belonging that a universal uniform gives them. A consistent culture of high expectations around uniform and appearance ensures that we are welcoming and inclusive.
www.handforthgrange.uniform4you.co.uk (please enter Star01)
Essential Reception (Winter uniform)
- Black school shoes
- Grey trousers, grey skirt, grey pinafore dress
- Short/long grey socks or grey tights
- Either plain white polo shirt or shirt & tie (if they wear a shirt they must wear a tie)
- Navy blue school jumper or navy blue school cardigan with logo
- School PE Kit – available on line (order logo colour, based on house colour above)
- Branded Navy Book Bag
Essential Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Winter uniform)
- Black school shoes
- Grey trousers, grey skirt, grey pinafore dress
- Plain white shirt/blouse (long or short sleeve)
- Tie (elasticated or standard)
- Grey skirt, grey pinafore dress or grey trousers
- Navy blue school jumper or navy blue school cardigan with logo
- School PE Kit – available on line (order logo colour, based on house colour above).
- Outdoor PE kit – navy blue jogging bottoms & sweatshirt, trainers
- Branded Navy Book Bag
Essential Reception (Summer uniform)
As above or:
- Black school shoes
- Grey trousers or shorts (grey socks if shorts are chosen)
- Plain white polo shirt
- Navy blue checked summer dress (white socks)
- Navy blue school jumper or navy blue school cardigan with logo
- School PE Kit – available on line (order logo colour, based on house colour above).
- Branded Navy Book Bag
Essential Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Summer uniform)
As above or:
- Black school shoes
- Grey trousers or shorts (grey socks if shorts are chosen)
- Plain white shirt/blouse (long or short sleeve)
- Tie (elasticated or standard)
- Navy blue checked summer dress (white socks)
- Navy blue school jumper or navy blue school cardigan with logo
- School PE Kit – available on line (order logo colour, based on house colour above).
- Outdoor PE kit – navy blue jogging bottoms & sweatshirt, trainers
- Branded Navy Book Bag
Optional Uniform Items:
- Branded Rucksack
- Branded PE Bag
- Document Case with school logo
- Showerproof Jacket with school logo
- Waterproof/Windproof Jacket with school logo
Apart from watches, jewellery (including studs, rings, earrings or any other body/ facial piercings) is not to be worn. This is because of the potential risk of accidental damage from the wearing of such items and they will be confiscated. We will do our best to assist your child in safeguarding their property. However, the school does not accept any responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal possessions brought on site.
Mobile Phones & Smart Watches
We advise that pupils do not bring mobile phones or smart watches into the school. However, we do recognise that some parents may wish their child to have a mobile phone with them as they travel to and from school. Any mobile phones brought in should be switched off as they enter the school premises and handed in to the Main Office. We do not take any responsibility for loss of or damage to mobile phones or smart watches. Inappropriate use of phones in school will result in confiscation without notice.
During cold or inclement weather pupils are advised to wear a suitable coat. . Pupils are provided with a locker/tray/peg where any non-uniform clothing should be stored.
Electronic Devices
Large amounts of money or items of value (including personal audio equipment such as iPads or other tablet devices, electronic games etc) should not be brought into school. Such items will be confiscated and returned to the pupil at the end of the day.
Hair and Cosmetics
Pupils are expected to wear hair in a neat and acceptable style. Hair must be of one colour and natural in appearance. Hair styles (including shaved heads) judged to be extreme by the Head Teacher are not permitted.
Insurance Notice
We recommend that parents/carers make their own arrangements for insurance of bags, watches, mobile phones, bicycles etc.- usually by an extension of their home insurance.
Pupils are only allowed to wear black footwear, with the exception of PE. Converse, Vans and High Tops are not acceptable and must not be worn.
Drinks Policy
We encourage children to lead healthy lifestyles. We strongly recommend that pupils drink water throughout the day. Fizzy drinks and energy drinks such as Prime, Lucozade, Powerade etc are not allowed High-caffeine drinks including Red Bull, Monster etc are also not allowed. These drinks will be confiscated.