Thank you for expressing an interest in Handforth Grange Primary School; it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our school.
We are committed to achieving our school vision that: “Handforth Grange has very high expectations, of: academic success, behaviour, excitement and fun.”
By the end of Key Stage 2 (11 years old) our pupils attain well above the national average and this is consistently improving.
We are proud that they also enjoy a broad curriculum (with the emphasis on ‘enjoy’). For instance:
Our school is very well regarded for music teaching. We have several ‘RockSteady’ bands, weekly guitar, keyboard and other music lessons; weekly singing and performing arts lessons and an award winning school choir.
We emphasise the importance of P.E. and sport and our pupils take part in a very wide range of sports against other schools and also within lessons and clubs (enjoying, as they do, our: full size football pitch; 5-a-side courts; netball court and our daily run).
Handforth Grange also caters for pupils’ artistic endeavours. We are very proud of our Artsmark Gold award which recognises the school’s strength in painting, drawing, music, dance and performing arts. This provision is made both through our curriculum and also a very wide range of after-school clubs.
Finally, visitors consistently comment on our pupils courtesy and friendliness. We place a strong emphasis on tolerance and empathy and our pupils develop this, in part, as they learn alongside, and maintain strong friendships with, pupils in our resource provision for Autistic Spectrum Disorder -which is the base from our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities support – a facility recognised as being a leading example within the local area.
I, and all of the staff and Governors, look forward to getting to know you and to working with you to ensure your child has the most fulfilling time during their primary education.
Kindest regards
Ms Andrea Booth
Head Teacher