PSHE Curriculum
Cycle A
Cycle B
Y1/2: Family and relationships (Cycle A) Exploring how families can be different, the characteristics and impact of positive friendships; learning that issues can be overcome, people show feelings differently and that stereotyping is unfair. Looking at conventions of manners and developing an understanding of self-respect Y1/2: Health and wellbeing (Cycle…
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Y1/2: Family and relationships (Cycle B) Exploring how families can be different, the characteristics and impact of positive friendships; learning that issues can be overcome, people show feelings differently and that stereotyping is unfair. Looking at conventions of manners and developing an understanding of self-respect Y1/2: Health and wellbeing (Cycle…
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Y1/2: Safety and the changing body (Cycle A) Learning how to communicate safely with adults; considering who keeps us safe in our community; learning steps to crossing the road safely; identifying which substances should or should not go in the body; learning how to call 999; knowing the difference between…
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Y1/2: Safety and the changing body (Cycle B) Learning how to communicate safely with adults; learning steps to crossing the road safely; considering hazards at home; identifying which substances should or should not go in the body; learning what to do when lost; being aware of some of the risks…
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Y1/2 Economic wellbeing (Cycle A) Understanding what money is and where it comes from; recognising the difference between needs and wants, learning how to keep cash safe; understanding the purpose of banks and building societies; understanding that skills and interests influence job choices. Y1/2: Transition (Cycle A) An end of…
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Y1/2 Economic wellbeing (Cycle B) Understanding what money is and different ways that children and adults get it; recognising the difference between needs and wants; considering why different people make different choices about spending and saving money; exploring banks and building societies; understanding that skills and interests influence career choices.…
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Y3/4: Families and relationships (Cycle A) Learning about how to deal with friendship issues and identifying bullying and its effects, learning about the issues with stereotyping, considering physical and emotional boundaries and who to trust, thinking about how to support someone who has suffered a bereavement. Y3/4: Health and wellbeing…
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Y3/4: Families and relationships (Cycle B) Learning about how to deal with friendship issues and the difference between these problems and bullying, understanding that families are different but they support each other, learning about the issues with stereotyping and reflecting on how we communicate with others. Y3/4: Health and wellbeing…
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Y3/4: Safety and the changing body (Cycle A) Learning about being kind and staying safe online; learning how to identify and deal with cyberbullying; understanding the difference between secrets and surprises; learning how to treat bites and stings; considering who influences our choices; learning about road safety and how to…
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Y3/4: Safety and the changing body (Cycle B) Learning how to spot fake emails; understanding the purpose of age restrictions online; evaluating online searches; considering the risks of smoking and the influences that affect our choices; learning how to deal with someone having an asthma attack; learning about road safety…
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Y3/4: Economic wellbeing (Cycle A) Considering spending decisions; learning about how to create a budget; recognising that money affects how we feel (Y3) and how we feel when money is lost (Y4); exploring jobs available; learning about gender stereotyping in the workplace. Y3/4: Transition (Cycle A) This transition lesson is…
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Y3/4: Economic wellbeing (Cycle B) Introduction to creating a budget and learning about: the emotional impact of money, the spending choices that we make and why and thinking about potential jobs and careers Y3/4: Transition (Cycle B) This end-of-year lesson supports children with the transition between year groups. Year 3…
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Y5/6: Families and relationships (Cycle A) Learning that families are varied and differences must be respected; understanding physical and emotional boundaries in friendships; exploring: the roles of bully, victim and bystander; how behaviour affects others; manners in different situations and learning about bereavement Y5/6: Health and wellbeing (Cycle A) Learning…
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Y5/6: Families and relationships (Cycle A) Learning that families are varied and differences must be respected; understanding physical and emotional boundaries in friendships; exploring: the roles of bully, victim and bystander; how behaviour affects others; manners in different situations and learning about bereavement Y5/6: Health and wellbeing (Cycle A) Learning…
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Y 5/6: Safety and the changing body (Cycle A) Learning about online friendships and how to stay safe online; drugs, alcohol and tobacco and the influences that others have on us; how to deal with a choking emergency and understanding puberty and menstruation Y5/6: Citizenship (Cycle A) Understanding what happens…
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Y5/6: Safety and the changing body (Cycle B) Learning how to be critical digital consumers; understanding that online relationships should be treated the same as face to face relationships; learning how to deal with first aid emergencies such as bleeding and giving life support; learning about puberty and menstruation (Y5)…
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Y5/6: Economic wellbeing (Cycle A) Developing understanding about income and expenditure, borrowing, risks with money and researching different careers and considering the routes into them. Year 6 ONLY (Cycle A) Identity Two lessons for Y6 pupils with presentations and classroom resources on the theme of personal identity and body image.…
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Y5/6: Economic wellbeing (Cycle B) Exploring: attitudes to money, how to keep money safe, stereotypes in the workplace, the risks associated with gambling, and career paths. Year 6 ONLY: Identity (Cycle B) Two lessons on the theme of personal identity and body image Year 5/6 Transition (Cycle B) In this…
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We believe passionately that our innovative Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education curriculum (including relationships education and No Outsiders ethos) will give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy independent lives and to become respectful, active and responsible global citizens. PSHE lies at the cornerstone of the trust ethos. We are preparing children for life in modern Britain, developing and deepening their understanding of fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, rule of law, and mutual respect and tolerance. We believe all our children can leave our school confident and assured of their place in this diverse and changing world.
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