Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESPA) they offer.
Key Achievements to Date:
PE & Sports Premium Funding (2023-24)
PE & Sports Premium Funding (2024-25)
- The children benefit from a higher level of sports sessions as well as sports activities throughout the lunchtime period.
- Teachers supported in the high quality teaching of PE by trained coaches.
- Children of all abilities in Year 4 will receive extended lessons to increase their swimming capabilities and survival in the
water. - Children in KS2 receive access to a range of different sports / clubs experiences
- Schools sports partnership provides quality inter school sports competitions in netball, cross country and football.
- Children have access to girls and boys football sessions after school.
- Children able to access organised sports equipment easily during PE sessions to maximise learning time in sessions. Children can access sports equipment from the PE shed during playtimes.
- Children benefit from the use of safe sports equipment indoors and outdoors including gymnastics equipment and climbing and balancing areas in the playground.
- Children have high quality kits. The kits are smart and provide a sense of pride in being part of the school team in the school kits.
High quality sports equipment has been purchased for all areas of PE to ensure outstanding resources are available for sports and gymnastics. Varied and new games have been purchased to extend the children’s experience. - The school achieved platinum kitemark this year.
All children including SEND take part in the daily mile.
All P.E sessions are inclusive.